
8 Key Digital Marketing Trends to Integrate in 2021

Are you thinking of outlining your digital marketing strategy for 2021? You need to understand the digital marketing trends that are likely to shake the market so that you can have some head-start over your competitors. The strategies you used in the previous years may not work in the coming years because technology keeps changing rapidly. 

But what exactly are those trends to look for in the New Year? Here are eight key digital trends that you can integrate to skyrocket your marketing strategy in 2021.

1. Local SEO

Google keeps updating its SEO algorithm, and that’s not going to change in 2021 either. If you’re a local business, you need to stay up to date with the new updates so that your business continues to appear in search results. You must know the strings you need to pull top rank on Google search.

As you already know, local SEO can be a powerful tool as people search for things based on their geographical location. The people who are more specific with their searches have greater chances of making a purchase than those who search for broad subjects. You need to up your game when it comes to local search as these people are easier to convert.

To do this, you need to get verified by Google. Sign up for Google My Business and either claim your listing or create a new one. This way, you get to rank higher in Google SERPS or get the opportunity to offer more information for your company searchers online.

Your local SEO search will also work well if you incorporate local keywords in the strategy. To appear on a local search with your keyword, prioritize the name of your city or town on top of it. Combine this with other related keywords and some famous landmarks that can make it easy for searchers to find you. 

2. Voice Search

As time goes and technology continues to evolve, people become lazier, and simple activities such as typing are becoming time-consuming. Voice-activated digital assistants are now replacing typing as people only have to say what they’re looking for. You simply need to talk to Siri, Alexa, or Cortana and get what you want.

According to studies, 2021 is expected to record up to 70% voice searches. Voice search has gained popularity both at home and in smartphones leading to a huge shift in keyword use. This is because the phrase you use when you type something on Google is entirely different from when you ask Alexa.

Voice search has revolutionized the search trend for long keywords and conversations. For instance, if you’re looking for the nearest pizza joint in Melbourne, you’ll type “Pizza place Melbourne.” If you ask Alexa, you’ll say, “where is the nearest Pizza place in Melbourne?”

Now that many people use voice search, your content should contain keywords that relate to what people are likely to ask Alexa. This way, people will find your business faster than they’ll find another business that uses Google search. Voice search is indeed shaking the online marketing trends, and your business should embrace it to succeed in 2021.

3. Video Marketing

Just like people are becoming lazier to type, they’re also considering reading a waste of time. Many people now prefer to watch product videos than reading lengthy product reviews. When they watch a video of the product, they gain more confidence in the product and are more likely to purchase.

If you haven’t embraced video marketing yet, it should not pass you by in 2021 because it will be the backbone of marketing. If you want to make your content more valuable and interesting to customers, the best way to do it is in the form of a video. And not just amateur videos, consider having some professional touch.

You can also incorporate DIY videos, local cinematographer videos, and founder stories that are more likely to attract your audience. As long as you can capture your potential customers’ attention and bring them closer to your brand, you have a better chance of selling to them directly.

A video gives you a simple way to answer all the questions customers may have when they first interact with your product. You’ll summarize the what, when, how, why, and who all in a few seconds. Videos are easy ways to convince your customers and compel them to purchase or perform the desired action.

4. Messaging Apps for Social Networks 

Facebook Messenger records up to 1.3 billion active users every month. Over 10 billion messages circulate between people and businesses through the messaging app. This has made shopping more convenient, and getting services from home is made fast and easy.

Well, people still want face-to-face interactions that brick and mortar businesses provide. Messaging apps that make communication easy through social media make it easy for people to get prompt service. We’ll know that all online buyers want prompt services and are not patient enough to wait in case of delayed communication.

Businesses get easy and direct contact through social media platforms such as Facebook Messenger, WeChat, and WhatsApp. These platforms have done all it takes to improve customer experience through their direct communication. You can make these platforms work for you in 2021 and boost your customer loyalty.

What’s more, you can also advertise your products and services through these Facebook apps ads. Since you can easily reach your customers through these social apps, it will be easier for them to see what you’re offering through the ads. You can also reach out to your list of customers by sending them direct messages to tell them what you’re offering.

5. Content Marketing Is Still Rocking Digital Marketing Trends

Content marketing has been in the digital marketing world for quite some time, and some marketers may think it’s becoming outdated. That’s not true because it’s still not going anywhere as it continues to get more diverse. Video marketing has managed to attract more customers, but it’s still not replacing content marketing in 2021.

Content is the more reasons why your users stay longer on your website. It’s what creates leads, which most of the time become buying customers. Content marketing takes many forms, including blog posts, videos, and images.

But there is a new way to make content marketing work more for your business in the coming year. Make your content more interactive to command more engagement and improve your user’s enjoyment. By interactive, it means posting content that prompts readers to take specific actions.

These include surveys, quizzes, polls, giveaways, and contests, which is a perfect way to improve your brand. These types of content increase the amount of time that your users spend on the site. When they engage with you longer, it helps improve your algorithm-based searches and feeds.

They also create an excellent way in which your site can improve user experience. When you allow users to air out their opinion, they will feel more connected to your brand. This is also a wonderful way to collect data from your users and improve your product and site navigation for a better experience.

6. Influencer Marketing

Influencers are people who’ve managed to gain the trust of people around them thanks to their expertise in a specific field. These can be celebrities, athletes, trainers, or some well-known experts in their fields. They have gained the trust of the public and can command a huge following on online platforms such as Instagram.

They have a large and active community that is very loyal to them and are likely to subscribe to their ideologies. Businesses use these influencers for marketing their products and services. Just a simple mention of what you offer can give you a lot of customers and promote your brand.

Well, to succeed in this type of marketing strategy, you don’t need a huge star or some sort of a hero. Make sure you get someone with a growing following and ensure they interact with the audience. Small but dedicated followers are better than huge but passive followers.

You should also search for an influencer whose goals are aligned to that of your brand.  This way, they can help communicate your mission and work together with you to reach the same goal. For instance, you’re not going to get an athlete to advertise your restaurant.

You must also know that some influencers buy their followers. You must take time to scrutinize them and be convinced that they have a genuine following. Don’t end up in the hands of influencers with a fake follower, as this will expose you to influencer marketing fraud, which means a waste of time and money.

7. Chatbots in 2021 Digital Marketing Trends

Chatbots are not new in digital marketing but are still another important trend to watch out for in 2021. With the growing number of people shopping online, businesses are finding it hard to keep up with the huge number of inquiries. Providing good customer service is becoming impossible without the help of robots.

Chatbots have provided the solution that businesses have been longing for to help improve their customer service. Now you can chat with your website visitors without being present. AI chatbots can reply to chats and all the messages that pop-up in text boxes common on websites.

The chatbots are also used to collect data, learn more about customers, answer questions, and offer useful recommendations. Chatbots are able to offer 24-hour customer service. Customers find instant help, answers to their questions, and all the crucial information whenever they need it.

Businesses no longer need to employ more staff to work in shifts for 24/7 customer service. This has managed to help save money and money without sacrificing customer support. By 2022, businesses are expected to save over $8 billion every year with the help of chatbots.

8. No-Click Searches or Featured Snippets

No-click search is the answer that you get whenever you type a question on Google without necessarily opening an article. The paragraph you get on top of the Google page contains all the information you’re looking for. Google has provided these to ensure people are able to find their answers easily.

At a glance, no-click searches seem like a way to lower traffic because a visitor will not click a site after finding all the information. But that’s not all about these featured snippets.

When Google chooses your site to show information to visitors, then it’s a sign that it contains valuable content. All you need to do is make sure you have information that prompts the visitor to open the site. The information should also be valuable that Google puts your site in position zero. 

Also, you must understand that featured snippets work for long-tail keywords. These could be in question form. Hence you must ensure your content is appropriate to the specified format. Ensure you answer the keyword clearly, preferably using bullet lists.

Digital Marketing Is Ever Changing

Once you’re in the digital marketing world, you must know that this is a constantly changing world. You must stay on top of digital marketing trends to help you navigate your way and stay on top of the competition. Keep up with the above trends and others that you think may impact the business world in the coming years.

Since you cannot do everything by yourself, we’re always here to hold your hand in the digital marketing world. GHAX marketing is ready to offer a helping hand on everything to do with marketing or SEO needs for your businessFill out our contact form and let us know how we can help you grow your business in 2021.

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Antonio Calabrese GHAX

Hey, I’m Antonio Calabrese, Founder at GHAX. We love working with businesses who are serious about growth.

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