
4-Step Content Review Plan to Boost Your Website Conversion

Whether you’re planning on giving your website a design overhaul or just improve your conversion rates, performing a website content review is a must. In fact, this is an exercise that should be done on your website regularly since your content is what makes up most of your site and informs your visitors of what your brand offers. If you’re not familiar with doing a website review, here’s a simple guide to help get you started.

1. Identify Core Pages 

A content review starts by taking each of your existing web pages and defining its purpose. Each and every one of them should have a clearly defined purpose or even a goal in mind. For example, your home page serves as a place to direct people to specific pieces of information that they’re looking for. A product page, on the other hand, is what leads people to buy. If a user wants to learn more about your company and your team, that’s where your about page comes in. Whatever pages you have or plan on creating, it’s best to define each of their purposes.

2. Study Your Analytics

Next is to look at your website analytics and look at the numbers that show which pages get the most traffic and what your audience does when they land on a page. By using your existing analytics feature or even subscribing to Google’s free analytics tool, you can track whether visitors are doing what you want them to do. Are they taking action on pages that you tell them to act on? Do users go to your blog page and read your posts? 

These pieces of information will give you an idea of which pages are effective in achieving their purpose and which of them are not. Now it’s time to consider which pages are worth keeping and which of them have the possibility of being removed or changed. This will serve as your guide for the rest of the review process.

3. Determine Which Pages are the Strongest

Your analytics will also tell you which pieces of your content are performing well and which of them aren’t performing at all. Focus on the pages where people spend the most time on. This is where you’ll find what pages or topics your audience is very much interested in. Once you’ve determined which pages have the strongest performance, consider improving them or just giving them a quick update. The rest will have to be removed or overhauled so it can also perform well like your other pages.

4. Create an Action Plan

Now that you’ve identified your strongest points and those that need to be improved, it’s time to create an action plan. The purpose of a website review isn’t just to look at your site’s performance. It’s also a perfect opportunity to make valuable changes to it. Create a detailed and actionable plan to improve your pages and to increase your audience’s engagement.

Now it’s time to consider which pages are worth keeping and which of them have the possibility of being removed or changed. This will serve as your guide for the rest of the review process.


Performing a review of your website is a great exercise that every website owner needs to do. By putting your website under a microscope, you can see vulnerabilities and strengths that were previously unknown to you. Ultimately, this will result in making your website a better version of itself.

GHAX Digital Marketing is a digital marketing agency focused on helping small-to-medium-sized businesses grow and enhance their online presence. Our team can help you turn your startup into a profitable business through modern digital growth marketing solutions and conversion optimization services. Partner with us today and achieve great results!

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Antonio Calabrese GHAX

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